Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happy Spring!

I'm sorry that it has been so long since I have written. I can never thank you enough for all your prayers and support through this incredible year. It was a year ago on March 26th that I was diagnosed with cancer. Today I can say with much gratitude that I am in remission!!

There are a few remaining issues to deal with. I am on heart medication and will see the cardiologist on April 30th. I am praying that my ejection fraction will improve and I can go back on the herceptin. If not, I will find out what the next step is. My wound is still being packed and I will be seeing the surgeon soon to find out when we can finish that. I'm stiff on my left side so I need to stretch every day. The neuropathy in my toes is still a bother but seems to be getting a little better. I also need to go back to the lymphedema therapist and start working on reducing that.

During my spring break I finally began to feel much more like myself. I was able to things that I haven't done in a year and it was great! I decided to free myself of the wig which I have had since last June. My hair is VERY short but it feels wonderful. There were lots of surprised looks and comments about my "hair cut". My little friend Machai said, "Wow, you're hair is really short!" I said,"Well I wanted to look like you". He replied, "You look great!" I just love those kids.

Dan came in to visit this weekend. We shared many stories of Butler's run for the NCAA National championship. He was able to go to the last two games. What fun!
Emily got her contract renewed for next year at Downers Grove North. She loves teaching there and is glad the stressful waiting time is over.

I will blog again after I see the cardiologist at the end of the month. I would also like to ask you to keep my friend and colleague, Terri, in your prayers. She is fighting AML, a form of luekemia. We really miss her at school.

Thanks again for all you have done to help me get through this unexpectedly difficult year. You are the best!



Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hi again!

Just wanted to give you an update of my Monday visits to Loyola. I have only 2 more radiation treatments to go. Two steps forward and one step back, however. I was unable to get my herceptin due to the results of my heart test. I knew this drug could have an effect on the heart but of course never thought it would happen to me!! I was told this does happen occasionally and it can reverse itself. In that case I can go back on the herceptin. I am praying for that and ask you to do so too. This relatively new drug has had excellent results in lowering chances of the cancer returning.

So I now get to go to another specialist. I will have an EKG on Thursday and see a cardiologist on Tuesday. Then Dr. Albain will reevaluate the results and we'll see what's next. She told me that she is pleased with the amount of herceptin that I've already been given. I told the girls at the chemo scheduling desk that at first I didn't want to go in and I had to. Now I want to come in for treatment and they won't let me. What's with that!!

I'm getting together with my friends from high school this weekend. Our last weekend gathering was the week after my original surgery last April. So much has happened since then! It will be great to see them.

I'll let you know when I find out more. I will still be celebrating the end of chemo and radiation!

Take Care,

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Happy March!

It was so good to see the sunshine this week. I'm looking forward to spring!

I only have four treatments of radiation left. Hooray!!! My description for these last few days is OUCH! Burning and peeling on skin that isn't used to the sun just plain hurts. Thankfully, I planned on it being much worse after that infection experience. The packing part is still unpleasant, but it is done quickly. You could say that I am "hot" at this point (literally, of course)!

I love the hair growing back on my head, even though it looks to be salt and pepper. Not so happy about the leg and upper lip hair returning, however. You just don't think about some of the perks until they are over! Sorry if that's too much information.

It was one year ago this weekend that I found that unexpected lump. I can't believe a year has gone by and I've been through so much. My incredible support system of family, friends and medical staff have been such a blessing. God is good!!!

I meet with my oncologist on Monday and radiologist on Tuesday. I will let you know what they say about follow-up procedures and where I am medically at this point.

What a journey!


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hello Everyone!

Today was my 22nd radiation treatment. That means only 12 to go. This is an exciting countdown!! I saw my Dr. today and he said things are going very well. My skin has broken down in several places which is painful at times, but I am using neosporin and gobs of lotion regularly as directed. I also got a prescription for something a little stronger which I will get tomorrow.

The worst part of this has been that darn old wound from the infection. The packing of one of the holes was getting terribly painful. Dr. Godellas, who is watching the wound, came down from surgery to radiology to see me. (He also saw me at our Big Hearts concert when he came to hear his daughter sing!) He said the wound looks good considering that radiation delays healing. Now Tim only has to pack the less painful of the two holes and we can let the other one close up. Hurray!!!!!

Last Friday we were able to go out to dinner at Roy's downtown with Emily and Dan. We had a great time catching up. When we got home we watched old videos of when the kids were little. Yes, we laughed alot!

That's all for now,


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Greetings friends!

Well I can't believe that I am halfway through radiation. They tell you it will go by quickly which at the time seems hard to grasp. I have 17 treatments left. So far I only have a very sore spot about the size of a silver dollar near my neck. The rest of the area is starting to turn light pink but nothing too bad yet! Last week my radiologist told me they were having difficulty lining me up for treatment on the machine. Instead of one tech, he wanted me to have two. Naturally, I can't just be the norm! This means going at lunch each day instead of after school. The traffic is better and the teachers are very helpful if I need to switch a class time. It's a long day, but I come home and nap and get to bed early. I seem to have a decent energy level so far.
Once again, it's a blessing to be so close to Loyola. One of the women I met during chemo now comes in daily from Palatine.

I got through my Valentine programs and the kids did well as always. It felt great to get home on Friday and just relax. In August I couldn't even imagine that I would be able to get through all the programs this year. All those prayers certainly helped!

Tim is still packing that darn wound twice a day. It's closed up quite a bit but still has a way to go. The radiation will probably delay the healing process. I am looking so forward to being done with that!

Thanks again for the many kind ways that you have reached out to me during this battle,


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

I've been in bed all day catching up on my sleep and trying to get rid of a nasty cough and cold. Unfortunately, I have to miss great Super Bowl party too! Next week will take all the stamina I can gather. It's the big Kdg. Valentine performance week. I have dress rehearsals on Mon. and Tues. and programs on Wed., Thurs. and Fri. Needless to say I am very much looking forward to next weekend.

Week #2 of radiation went just fine. They of course are having a little problem lining me up due to the changes that packing my wound makes. That darn infection!! It means they have to take more pictures than usual because they are being extra cautious. So far the only effect I have is a little rash near my neck. I'll talk to the doctor tomorrow about it. I will see him every Monday. I'm in the routine of driving daily to Loyola. The wonderful people that I work with are very helpful making sure I get going on time.

10 treatments down and 24 more to go. I love counting down!

Have a great week!


Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hello to all you faithful followers!

I started radiation last Monday. I have gotten into the routine of going right from school and I get home between 4:15 and 4:30. This gives me time to get a nap in. Thankfully they are always on time, unlike the chemo center. I see the doctor each Monday. I don't feel anything during the treatment. They say that I will get anywhere from pink to burnt as time goes on. I lotion up generously twice a day. (After the continued packing of the wound of course!) I may also feel more fatigued with more treatments but I'm hoping that's not bad. I had 5 doses last week so I only have 29 more to go!!

I'm now on a daily hormonal therapy drug called femara. I am happy to say I've had no side effects from this. I will be taking this for 5 years. Wow!!! I also still get herceptin through my port every three weeks. I also see the oncologist at that time. The next visit is March 8th. Things are moving along. It's hard to believe that it will be a year in March that I've been dealing with all of this. Once again I say thank you, thank you, thank you for all your concern and support in so many ways! What a blessing to have such caring family and friends.

I'll try to update you again after I get through another week.

Take Care,

Oh, I forgot to say that my eyebrows are back and the lashes are coming in. It really does make a difference!